Wednesday, April 30, 2014

flippin' out

"Babe, why didn't you put the kids' shoes on yet?!", "Have you brushed their teeth?!?", "Honey, why aren't they in the car?!?!". I feel like these questions are all perfectly acceptable .... until I'm in the car, all by myself, and my conscience reminds me how mean I was to hubby this morning. I am so embarrassed. I was raised better than this. I have to apologize, like, right now.

Why on earth do I flip out like that? So what if we get to preschool (ha, it is JUST preschool) three minutes late? So what if a kid skips a teeth brushing every now and then? Are these REALLY reasons to lose my mind and take it out on the person who provides for my family? Umm, get a grip, Mara!!

It is so alarming how I can lose my mind over such insignificant stuff. I mean, we all do it, right? (Right?!) Do we really think that life should just flow along perfectly? Well, THAT would be nice but, you know what, I bet I would still find something to complain about. Isn't that just sad?!?!

If I tried really, really hard I bet I could list about a bazillion things that I'm thankful for .... and then all that irritating stuff would seem only mildly annoying, like being served Dunkin' Donuts coffee instead of Starbucks (wait, that is actually REALLY irritating :).

Thankful list ... here goes:
I have a Starbucks in my neighborhood.
I found a book at the library that I actually want to read.
My hair is not completely gray.
My sweet little girl tells me "you're the best" on an almost daily basis.
I don't have to turn another year older until next year.
My hairstylist serves me wine.
....... is that a bazillion yet?

Plus, I get to live with these two guys .... I mean, what could be better ....