Monday, January 27, 2014

the sofa goes over there

I absolutely, 100%, love rearranging furniture. I like to move pictures from wall to wall just for fun. Give me one hour, uninterrupted, and I will organize a closet like you have never seen. I guess I get this from my Dad. I've know him to organize tools down to the smallest nail and books in alphabetical order by author. It is a wonderful thing.

My favorite time to reorganize, rearrange and decorate is when I'm alone. There is something about listening to opinions while carrying out my "vision" that really bugs me. Maybe it's my birth order. I can blame a lot of my less than perfect personality on being the oldest sibling. With this esteemed position comes bossiness, impatience, need for control and awesome decision making abilities (note: I did NOT say that these decisions were always good ones ... just that I'm willing to sacrifice a good decision for a quick decision). And this is why I usually wait until my hubby is far, far away on a business trip to do my finest work. This fulfills two purposes: 1) my plan for space improvement will not be interrupted and, 2) I won't be subjected to any annoying opinions. Unfortunately, when hubby returns home he brings his opinions with him and this has caused some of my work to be returned to its original position (sigh) ... he just doesn't share the "vision". Other times, it's quite the opposite .... he may go weeks or a month before noticing a new picture on the wall or new window coverings in the family room. Strange.

So, I carry on with improving (in my opinion) this room and that room and loving every minute of it. Bonus: the two munchkins think my goofy room improvement projects are a great game! They get really excited to see the change, "oooooohhh, Mommy this is awesome!" ... which fulfills another of my first-born desires ... praise! A little goes a long way .....

rearranging furniture like Mommy ...

1 comment:

  1. Rearranging furniture is so much fun! I feel like it gives you a 'clean slate' in a weird way. And it's always nice to get a good reaction!
