Thursday, March 27, 2014

legacy letter

At church one morning our pastor challenged us to write a "legacy letter". I think the idea was to contemplate the things that you will place great importance on at the end of your life .... and then live each day focusing on these things. I like this. It made me think. And you know how when you think about something for a really long time your mind just sort of starts to circle around and you end up making a grocery list? Well, that's what happened....I was thinking ...

"when I'm gone I hope people say I lived a good life, a thoughtful life, a somewhat unselfish life and that I was kind when no one was looking and that .... gosh, my roots are SO bad ... I need to call Cami and make an appointment ... right, legacies, maybe I want to be the person that no one talks about after they are gone because that would mean that I didn't cause any trouble or that I gave someone else the spotlight or .... I wonder how much money is left in the beauty budget this month because I really need a mani/pedi .... ugh, focus Mara ... maybe I just hope that my kids turn out to be decent, kind and loving people .... is there wine downstairs? I could have a glass when the kids go to bed ... wait, the dryer just cut off .... I should fold those clothes ...."

Why is it so hard to focus on the important stuff? Hey, and I'm not saying that hair color and fingernails and wine when the kids go to bed is not important! But here's what I think... I think that sometimes we are just going about our days with the chores and errands and it's in those chores and errands that the "important stuff" is happening. It's not a separate act like "ok, NOW I'm going to be generous or thoughtful", it's mixed in with all the mundane tasks that fill a day. It's letting someone go ahead of you in the grocery line because they have 3 items and your buggy has 300. It's listening to someone go on and on (and on and on) at a play date about their crazy morning with the sick baby when you really want to be talking to that other friend about her low-budget trip to Jamaica and how you can get that deal, too. It's waiting a million minutes at a restaurant for your food to come out and then not giving the waitress attitude when she tells you she lost your order. It's showin' the love in all things, every day, in everything that you do ... well, maybe not everything .... :)

1 comment:

  1. Very inspiring! And I agree that hair color, mani/pedis and wine are of utmost importance! Wait ... that wasn't the point of the post ...
