Monday, March 10, 2014

the post birthday blues

It's March. That means it's birthday time at my house. Woo hoo!! Since my kids' birthdays are March 1st and March 2nd I pretty much start planning their party in late January. It's a two-fer so it has to be extra special. I get sooooo caught up in the details (ha, imagine that!) down to the very last sprinkle on the very last cupcake. I LOVE doing things at the kids' birthday parties that mean so much to them, like .... buying lots of balloons (they LOVE balloons) just to hear them say, "Mommy, LOOK at all the balloons!" or, mixing Transformers AND Sofia the First party themes just to see them giggle or, setting out big bowls of messy potato chips for little fingers to reach because they are absolute fav-o-rites!

And then, there's a bunch of stuff that I forget about doing like ... taking pictures!! For cryin' out loud I did not take even ONE single picture at the birthday party. Ugh! What kind of loving mommy am I?! (Oh right, I'm a control freak mommy and cannot stand to think that I may have missed a single minute of cake eating or present opening while looking for my camera and making sure the flash was turned on.) Luckily someone picked up my slack and snapped a few shots here and there (thanks Mom!).

Planning a little party for my kiddos is a huge source of joy for me .... it's the best ... we get so excited ... I can't wait for the day to come ..... it's almost here ....aaahhhhhh :)

And then, it's over :(

What makes the days following a birthday so sad? I asked myself this question a few times and my first answer was, "well, I put so much time and energy into making it a special day and it's a little sad to see all that fun in the rearview mirror" .... but that's not the real reason. The REAL reason(s) (if I'm being totally honest) are:

  • The end of a birthday marks the end of a whole year and, in this case, my children's 4th and 2nd years are over!! I want them to grow up but, good grief, why do they have to do it so FAST?!
  • I'll never again see my son ride a two-wheeled bike for the first time .... :(
  • My baby is potty-trained so I'll never again change diapers ... boo hoo. (I added it up and I have changed approximately 8,030 diapers in the last 5 years sooooo what in the world am I upset about?! Oh, I don't know, I guess it's just one more step in the direction of not needing their mama .... so sad. Hey, I didn't say that these were logical reasons.... )
  • The kids are so big now and it gets harder and harder to carry them and it will only get worse in the coming year :(
  • My son is now experienced at taking trips without me (gasp!).
  • They are one year closer to elementary school and then middle school and then high school and then ......
Well, you get the point. 

Look, I'm not going to smother my kids and dress them in bonnets and onesies in an effort to keep them young. I'll give them their space to go and grow and live. I'll be a totally normal, responsible and 'independence encouraging' parent .... but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

1 comment:

  1. I can picture you squealing during the first half of this post! Haha. You are raising such sweet kids and I love that you want to be there for everything. It just means you care! So what if you forget to take pics :)
