Monday, August 18, 2014

love language

You know how everyone has a love language ... the way in which they most want to be loved and adored by others? Well, I'd have to say that, for me, "words of affirmation" is pretty high up there. So, when I get those "words", especially in writing, I'm going to ponder them, enjoy them, dwell on them (maybe, obsess over them??).

This sign has been hanging for 2 months because I can't bear to take it down. Being reminded each day that my 5 year old appreciates a tidy house, even if just for the minutes it took him to create this masterpiece, still gives me warm fuzzies from the ends of my artificially colored hair to the tips of my un-pedicured toes. Even if his daddy had to help him spell the words and, possibly, wrote some of the note for him .... I'll adore this message for as long as I can stand to keep it taped to the door :)

Monday, May 12, 2014

from the lips of babes

Mommy, Daddy is my favorite but you are almost my favorite. (Warms the heart, doesn't it?)

Mommy, when I'm big like brother then I'll know how to eat broccoli. (Clever :)

Mommy, I don't need to wash my hair tonight because Ms. Cami washed it when she cut my hair last week, remember? (Nice try!)

Mommy, aren't you so happy that I have a bathroom in my bedroom so when my penis wakes me up to pee I don't have far to walk? (It's actually the thing I'm MOST glad for, honey!)

Mommy, I have a deal for you. If you help me clean my room  then I won't do anything to make my sister mad. (Wait, is that even a deal?)

Mooooooommmmmmmyyyyyy!!!! I need help, hurry!! What took you so long, mommy? I need you to look in my mouth to make sure I brushed them all really, really well. Do you see anything in there, mommy? Do ya? Do ya? (Oh mercy, he is OCD about his teeth.)

Mommy, when I grow up and am a daddy one day I am going to have 5 cats. (Wow.)

Mommy, why can't you beat that car?! I want us to win so drive faster and beat that car! (He has a lot to learn about the rules of the road.)

Mommy, do you want to watch me dance like a beeeee-autiful ballerina princess fairy with pretty ballet slippers? (Of COURSE I do, honey!)

Mommy, I didn't need to wash my hands after I went to the bathroom because I didn't touch ANYTHING. (Yeah, right.)

funny question

So, I was just chit-chatting with my 5 year old and he said, "Mommy, I have a funny question for you. Why are you smaller than Daddy AND older than Daddy?" Hmmmm. Where did THAT come from?? I guess if I break it down then, sure, one might expect that the older of two people might also be the bigger of the two. And, I bet that he was also hinting at the common assumption that in a relationship the man is usually older. I totally just changed the subject and didn't even attempt to answer his question except with, "umm, I don't know", but it did leave me thinking .....

Why did I marry a younger man? Am I a cradle robber? A cougar? I used to think I was SO mature but I see now that this "kid" I married is probably the more mature one. And I like that. I like that someone else will keep me on the straight and narrow path, will be my DD, will be diligent about our family's safety, and will stress about our budget. Those are some big jobs and, frankly, I don't want ALL that responsibility ... whew!

So, yes, I am older than my hubby but I still ACT like I'm 30 .... so who's REALLY the older one?! Hehe :)

Let's do the cougar roar!! :)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

short shorts

At what age should one stop wearing short shorts? I decided that THIS would be the year for me to stop wearing them. At the ripe old age of 42 I think I've (finally) outgrown dressing like an 18 year old. Stuff is starting to wiggle and jiggle and it's getting harder and harder to keep up that nice tan on my legs (short shorts are not the same without the tan).

A few other things are also happening this year ....

This is the year I'm going to try REALLY hard to be healthy, be active, and eat right. I will exercise regularly (gasp!) and not eat out of boredom. I will take care of my skin and always wear sunscreen. I will dress like an actual person and not like I'm constantly en route to yoga. I will snack on fruit and protein and not donuts. I will stay outside more and play sports with my son. I will not go too long between hair appointments. I will get an occasional mani/pedi. I will try new recipes.

See? It's not really all about the shorts going from a 1" inseam to 2" ..... it's about making more good choices. Of course there will still be bad choices (duh) but perhaps a balance will take shape.

Less of this ....

and more of this ...

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

flippin' out

"Babe, why didn't you put the kids' shoes on yet?!", "Have you brushed their teeth?!?", "Honey, why aren't they in the car?!?!". I feel like these questions are all perfectly acceptable .... until I'm in the car, all by myself, and my conscience reminds me how mean I was to hubby this morning. I am so embarrassed. I was raised better than this. I have to apologize, like, right now.

Why on earth do I flip out like that? So what if we get to preschool (ha, it is JUST preschool) three minutes late? So what if a kid skips a teeth brushing every now and then? Are these REALLY reasons to lose my mind and take it out on the person who provides for my family? Umm, get a grip, Mara!!

It is so alarming how I can lose my mind over such insignificant stuff. I mean, we all do it, right? (Right?!) Do we really think that life should just flow along perfectly? Well, THAT would be nice but, you know what, I bet I would still find something to complain about. Isn't that just sad?!?!

If I tried really, really hard I bet I could list about a bazillion things that I'm thankful for .... and then all that irritating stuff would seem only mildly annoying, like being served Dunkin' Donuts coffee instead of Starbucks (wait, that is actually REALLY irritating :).

Thankful list ... here goes:
I have a Starbucks in my neighborhood.
I found a book at the library that I actually want to read.
My hair is not completely gray.
My sweet little girl tells me "you're the best" on an almost daily basis.
I don't have to turn another year older until next year.
My hairstylist serves me wine.
....... is that a bazillion yet?

Plus, I get to live with these two guys .... I mean, what could be better ....

Friday, March 28, 2014

what in the wor-ld?

I love lists. I think to myself in list format, sort of like Dave Letterman's top 10. I like to rank favorite sayings and travel spots and crackers. (I know, I need a hobby.) And, since I'm on the subject ....

My Top 10 Crazy Thoughts for the Day:

  1. They should make nail polish for kids that is a little more "heavy duty" so that it doesn't flake off so quickly (because painting the toes of a 3 year old is not something that there is time for every day).
  2. I see too many girls wearing UGGs when the weather dips below 65 degrees ... I mean, that's practically flip-flop weather!
  3. All pants should have elastic waistbands (duh).
  4. I do not understand the whole "stay at home dad" thing. Not judging. Just don't really get it.
  5. I "know" that frozen yogurt does not have the same nutritional value as regular yogurt but I'll continue to eat it as if it's equally as good for me and deep, deep down I believe it is.
  6. I want to live in the show Friday Night Lights and be a cross between beautiful, gorgeous mom Tami Taylor and sweet, cute and super smart Lila (except, as Lila, I would NEVER quit the cheerleading squad!).
  7. All home bathrooms in all the world should be spacious enough for a comfy chair because it would be wonderful to sit down while applying all those layers of lotion.
  8. Seriously, why am I not renting a house at the beach and/or living at the beach full time?
  9. I think that SUP is a-mazing and really WANT to want to do it!
  10. I love freckles and wish I had a few on my nose.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

legacy letter

At church one morning our pastor challenged us to write a "legacy letter". I think the idea was to contemplate the things that you will place great importance on at the end of your life .... and then live each day focusing on these things. I like this. It made me think. And you know how when you think about something for a really long time your mind just sort of starts to circle around and you end up making a grocery list? Well, that's what happened....I was thinking ...

"when I'm gone I hope people say I lived a good life, a thoughtful life, a somewhat unselfish life and that I was kind when no one was looking and that .... gosh, my roots are SO bad ... I need to call Cami and make an appointment ... right, legacies, maybe I want to be the person that no one talks about after they are gone because that would mean that I didn't cause any trouble or that I gave someone else the spotlight or .... I wonder how much money is left in the beauty budget this month because I really need a mani/pedi .... ugh, focus Mara ... maybe I just hope that my kids turn out to be decent, kind and loving people .... is there wine downstairs? I could have a glass when the kids go to bed ... wait, the dryer just cut off .... I should fold those clothes ...."

Why is it so hard to focus on the important stuff? Hey, and I'm not saying that hair color and fingernails and wine when the kids go to bed is not important! But here's what I think... I think that sometimes we are just going about our days with the chores and errands and it's in those chores and errands that the "important stuff" is happening. It's not a separate act like "ok, NOW I'm going to be generous or thoughtful", it's mixed in with all the mundane tasks that fill a day. It's letting someone go ahead of you in the grocery line because they have 3 items and your buggy has 300. It's listening to someone go on and on (and on and on) at a play date about their crazy morning with the sick baby when you really want to be talking to that other friend about her low-budget trip to Jamaica and how you can get that deal, too. It's waiting a million minutes at a restaurant for your food to come out and then not giving the waitress attitude when she tells you she lost your order. It's showin' the love in all things, every day, in everything that you do ... well, maybe not everything .... :)